Public Open House

S.R. 224 Bus Rapid Transit Categorical Exclusion

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Summit County, in cooperation with project partners High Valley Transit, Park City, and the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), prepared a Categorical Exclusion for high-frequency bus rapid transit (BRT) service along S.R. 224 in Summit County, Utah. 

The project will add a dedicated lane in each direction of S.R. 224 exclusively for use by transit vehicles. The project will specifically enable the Electric Xpress/‌10 White route to operate as a true BRT system, providing frequent, fast, and reliable transit service and helping the S.R. 224 roadway to function better for all users.

CatEx Documents

The FTA and partners evaluated the significant environmental, social, and economic impacts of the No-Build Alternative and the LPA. The expected impacts of the project and measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate all adverse impacts are documented in the CatEx.

Study Goals & Purpose

The S.R. 224 BRT Project is specifically intended to enable the existing route 10 White bus service, one of Park City’s busiest routes in its service area, to operate as a true BRT system by providing frequent, fast, and reliable transit service. Given existing congestion conditions, vehicle backing, delay, and poor travel time on S.R. 224—coupled with constrained parking in Park City’s Old Town and at other key destinations along S.R. 224—there is a need to provide a reliable high-quality transit option in the corridor.
The specific purpose elements of the project are to:
  • Bolster S.R. 224 as the backbone of the regional transit system by improving the reliability and reducing the travel time of the 10 White bus service and other transit services on S.R. 224.
  • Complement local and regional remote parking strategies to reduce the number of vehicles coming into Park City’s Old Town and improve non-automobile access to Park City’s Old Town and other major employers along S.R. 224.
  • Increase accessibility and ensure equitable access to jobs and other resources located along S.R. 224.
  • Support healthy communities, best environmental practices, and the sustainability goals of the community.

Study Timeline & Process

Winter 2021
Technical Data Collection
Winter 2021
Spring 2021
Develop Project Design Criteria
Spring 2021
Summer 2021
Conduct Alternatives Analysis screening for southern portion of alignment; refine Locally Preferred Alternative; conduct environmental surveys
Summer 2021
Winter 2022
Develop design options for key intersections along the corridor and continue to refine the Locally Preferred Alternative; complete traffic and ridership studies
Winter 2022
Summer 2022
Determine impacts from the Locally Preferred Alternative
Summer 2022
Winter 2022
Prepare and Submit Environmental Document; public meeting
Winter 2022

Alternatives Analysis

In 2018, the partners completed an Alternatives Analysis (AA) for this project. The AA study scope was broad and considered many possible mode and alignment alternatives. A long list of potential alternatives was developed, evaluated, and screened.
The AA was a 20-month collaborative effort among Summit County and the other partners. Key staff from each partner entity participated in the partner steering committee that met throughout the AA process to guide the project. The process also involved a comprehensive stakeholder outreach program, including coordination with other local policy groups and public outreach to the community at large.
The study team developed multiple alternatives and performed two levels of screening and evaluation to determine the suitability of the wide variety of alternatives based on the project objectives and purpose and need. Two technology options passed Level 1 screening including hybrid/electric bus rapid transit (BRT), and rapid streetcar/light rail transit (LRT).
Once the transit technology options were screened and the two most promising options selected, the study team conducted a second evaluation to determine the footprint within the S.R. 224 corridor for the transit solution’s alignment:
  • Down the center of S.R. 224
  • Running on one side of S.R. 244
  • Running on both sides of S.R. 224
The study team analyzed the benefits, costs, and impacts of BRT and rapid streetcar/‌LRT in the S.R. 224 corridor for the three alignment configurations.

Locally Preferred Alternative

The Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) identified during the AA largely follows the alignment of the existing bus route Electric Xpress/10 White. The LPA would place dedicated transit lanes on both sides of S.R. 224. Southbound transit would run west of S.R. 224 and northbound transit would run east of S.R. 224. The LPA described in the AA report connected to a new transit center on Bonanza Drive just south of Kearns Boulevard (S.R. 248). 

Since the AA process, Summit County and Park City have decided against the Bonanza Drive terminus and have moved the southern terminus of the BRT to the Park City Old Town Transit Center to mirror the full, current extent of the Electric Xpress/10 White service and support a year-round destination to Park City’s Old Town. The Summit County and Park City Councils formally adopted the refined LPA on September 1 and November 18, 2021, respectively.